7 Free Dark Wood Texture Photoshop Mockup Templates

Apply detailed wood grain effects to your lettering, logos, and graphics with the help of my free Dark Wood Texture Mockups. These Photoshop files contain Smart Object layers you can paste your artwork into, which will then be automatically processed to apply the wood grain texturing. Every fibre and knot will be erased from your artwork to give it a weathered effect that is ideal for rustic or outdoors themed designs. The original plain wood grain textures are also supplied in basic JPEG format, for quick and easy use as backgrounds or overlays within your projects.

7 Free Dark Wood Texture Photoshop Mockup Templates

7 Free Dark Wood Texture Photoshop Mockup Templates

To customise the mockup template with your own artwork, double click the Smart Object layer and replace the placeholder layer with your own logo or text (make sure you use only single-colour graphics). Save the file to see your artwork with the wood grain texturing applied. To add further realism, double-click the Displace filter and navigate to the appropriate Displacement Map for that particular file to subtly distort your artwork around the texture of the grain. Alter the colour of the text and the wood background by changing the hue of the adjustment layers.

Download My Free Dark Wood Texture Mockups

7 Free Dark Wood Texture Photoshop Mockup Templates