7 Strategies You Can Use to Improve Your Memory

Want to remember more of what’s important? Use these strategies to improve your memory.

February 19, 2018 2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy breaks down seven simple techniques you can use to improve your memory. Whether you just want to make sure you nail your next presentation or need to have a long-term system, these techniques can help you have the most important information in your hip pocket when you need it most. 

All of the techniques Tracy cites to improve memory are fairly simple, but many of them require dedication in order to be effective.

For example, Tracy’s first piece of advice on how to improve your memory is to over-learn the material. If you are overprepared, then even if you forget tangential points, you will have such a firm grasp on the fundamentals that you won’t need to worry about remembering. 

You can also revise your study techniques by finding ways to make the information meaningful. If it applies to you or your current circumstances, you will be more motivated to learn the material. You can also recite the material, or develop a study system that works for you. You can even start using four-color pens, and assign a specific meaning to each color. Or, if you really want to improve your memory, you could use all of these ideas together.

Click play to learn more.

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