8 Books to Help Plan Your Next Steps as a Leader

In times of uncertainty, even entrepreneurs have a hard time knowing what they, or their teams, should do next.

May 7, 2020 5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In times of great uncertainty, great leaders need to step up to the plate. But the best leaders aren’t just defined by their titles or accomplishments; they’re defined by a constant need for growth. New perspectives and techniques are key for solving difficult problems on the job, and the right book can go a long way toward broadening those horizons. 

Those hoping to shepherd their companies through challenging circumstances need the right tools to help them do so, and these eight reads are great resources to start with.

1. Beyond Wins: Eastern Mindset for Success in Daily Business Negotiations by Mala Subramaniam

Far too often, is treated like a win-lose scenario in business, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. Beyond Wins takes innate to Hinduism and Buddhism and places it in a commercial context. Mala Subramaniam shows how a bit of novel wisdom can go a long way toward making negotiation a successful process for everyone involved. 

Related: 6 Steps to Negotiate Properly and Achieve Better Outcome

2. Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best…and Learn from the Worst by Robert I. Sutton

Already a modern classic among guides, Good Boss, Bad Boss is a must-read for any leader looking to critically evaluate his or her practices in the workplace. The book itself is based on Sutton’s extensive conversations with and the wisdom he learned. These anecdotes form a powerful look into how leaders evolve and how they grow. 

3. Syndicating Is a B*tch: And Other Truths You Haven’t Been Told by Bruce Petersen

Finding dead bodies on your property, getting your assets seized by Homeland Security … the stories found in Syndicating Is a B*tch may not seem relevant for every type of business leader, but Bruce Petersen’s deep dive into real estate’s hottest trend reveals some remarkable truths about how to weather difficult storms in business and when to jump ship. 

4. Income for Life: The Retiree’s Guide to Creating Income From Savings by S. Joseph DiSalvo & Marie L. Madarasz

No leader can lead if she’s worried about her own future; thankfully, S. Joseph DiSalvo and Marie L. Madarasz have consolidated their 40 combined years of wealth-management experience into a readable guide. Income for Life allows anyone to grasp the nuances of preparing for retirement, letting you spend more time and energy on the present.

5. Fulfilled: The Passion & Provision Strategy for Building a Business with Profit, Purpose & Legacy by Kathryn & Michael K. Redman

Fulfilled is just what it sounds like: a how-to for ensuring that you’re running your business the way you want to. Kathryn and Michael K. Redman have stripped things down to the bare essentials of meaningful leadership, meaning you’ll get a clear look at what you’re doing well and what you could be doing differently.

6. The Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization by Tom Kelly with Jonathan Littman

The Ten Faces of Innovation should be the first resource that comes to any business leader’s mind when looking for a way to develop. Tom Kelly and Jonathan Littman’s book outlines the varying roles that key employees can play, roles that, employed correctly, can take your leadership to the next level. 

7. Get It: Five Steps to the Sex, Salary and Success You Want by AmyK Hutchens 

Every great leader knows that leadership isn’t just found in the office: It’s at home, it’s with your friends and it’s everywhere in between. AmyK Hutchens is a leader’s leader, and Get It is her manifesto for taking control. By outlining how leaders can get a grip on all of the key aspects of their lives, Get It establishes a leadership mindset few can afford to pass up.

8. The Acorn Method: How Companies Get Growing Again by Henrik Werdelin

Henrik Werdelin’s new release may sound strange from a brief description — what could Fortune 500 companies possibly learn from oak trees? — but the insights found within are too valuable to scoff at. The Acorn Method is a brilliant look at how big companies can promote growth in new and exciting ways and the crucial role that forward-thinking leaders play in that process.

Related: 8 Mindset Shifts Entrepreneurs Must Make to Achieve Their Ultimate Goal

For business leaders, learning is more crucial than ever. Each chapter you read is a new way of looking at the problems facing your business, and every dollar spent on a book is a dollar you’re investing in your company’s future. 
