Amazon uses quantum “cat states” with error correction

The characterization of the system indicated a couple of major limits, though. Cat qubits make bit flips extremely unlikely, but not impossible. By focusing error correction only on phase flips, any bit flips that do occur inescapably trigger the failure of the entire logical, error-corrected qubit. “Achieving long logical bit-flip times is challenging because any single cat qubit bit flip event in any part of the repetition code directly causes a logical bit flip error,” the authors note. The other issue is that the transmons used for error correction still suffer from both bit and phase flips, which can also mess up the entire error-corrected qubit.

Where does this leave us?

There are a number of companies like Amazon that are betting that using a somehow less error-prone hardware qubit will allow them to get effective error correction using fewer total hardware qubits. If they’re correct, they’ll be able to build error-corrected quantum computers using far fewer qubits, and so potentially perform useful computation sooner. For them, this paper is an important validation of the idea. You can do a sort of mixed-mode error correction, with a robust hardware qubit paired with a compact error-correction code.

But beyond that, the messages are pretty mixed. The hardware still had to rely on less robust hardware qubits (the transmons) to do error correction, and the very low error rate was still not low enough to avoid having occasional bit flips. And, ultimately, the error rate improvements gained by increasing the size of the logical qubit aren’t on a trajectory that would get you a useful level of error correction without needing an unrealistically large number of hardware qubits.

In short, the underlying hardware isn’t currently good enough to enable any sort of complex calculation, and it would need radical improvements before it can be. And there’s not an obvious alternate route to effective error correction. The potential of this approach is still there, but it’s not obvious how we’re going to build hardware that lives up to that potential.

As for Amazon, the picture is even less clear, given that this is the second qubit technology that it has talked about publicly. It’s unclear whether the company is going to go all-in on this approach, or is still looking for a technology that it’s willing to commit to.

Nature, 2025. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-025-08642-7  (About DOIs).