Bandwidth is the techno-thriller novel that we need right now

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I have a love-hate relationship with Twitter.

As I write these words, I have deliberately quit out of the app on my laptop so that I don’t have the temptation to toggle over to it, indulging an eight-second distraction between typed lines of this book review. In fact, in recent months I’ve tried to become more conscious of how and where I use Twitter.

It’s just so fun and so damned useful. Twitter mainlines breaking news for addicted journalists. It’s also freakin’ hilarious at times. (I can’t get enough of @RikerGoogling, and I have a penchant for @BodegaBot, too.) But I also know that it’s an RT-laden, hashtag-driven, self-indulgent miasma that I will certainly get sucked into if I’m not careful.

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