Behold, the 157 new emoji for 2018

Emojipedia’s rendering of the new smileys. From left to right we have “Smiling Face With 3 Hearts” (Emojipedia can’t count), “Hot Face,” “Cold Face,” “Partying Face,” “Woozy Face,” and “Pleading Face.”
“Red-haired” and “curly haired” people in the various skin tones and genders.
“Bald” and “white-haired” people.
“Superhero” and “supervillain” people.
Body parts! We’ve got legs, feet, a bone, and tooth.
New animals, food, and some other odds and ends. In the third row, after the lettuce is a bagel, then salt, then “moon cake,” a Chinese holiday food. Below the moon cake is another Chinese holiday item, a red gift envelope.
More odds and ends. The third item is a “Nazar Amulet,” a Turkish charm. The red circle in the second row is a petri dish, and the bottle in the third row is “lotion.”
The Unicode Emoji 11.0 set is final, adding 157 new emoji to the 2666 we previously had. While we have not yet seen how these will be drawn by Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and other vendors, Emojipedia has whipped up a set of sample emoji to present an idea of what they might look like.
There are 77 unique emojis, padded by skin-color varietals. For smileys. there’s “Smiling Face With 3 Hearts,” “Hot Face,” “Cold Face,” “Partying Face,” “Woozy Face,” and “Pleading Face.” Humans get hair color options for “red,” “curly,” “bald,” and “white,” along with two new professions: “superheroes” and “supervillains.” There’s also disembodied legs and feet in the various skin tones, and we can’t wait to see how the kids turn them into weird euphemisms.
New animals in the emoji-verse include raccoons, llamas, hippos, kangaroos, badgers, swans, peacocks, parrots, lobsters, mosquitoes, microbes, and teddy bears. For food, we get a pear mango, lettuce, a bagel, salt, a mooncake, and a cupcake. Emoji 11 takes some science-minded strides, with glyphs for goggles, a lab coat, a test tube, a petri dish, and DNA.
It’s now up to major vendors to whip up their own versions of the new emojis. We’ll need to at least wait for the full release of Unicode 11.0 in June for them to work, with devices expected to support functional, new emoji in the second half of 2018.
Listing image by Emojipedia