Book of the Week: ‘Driven’

On your journey to success, you can navigate around obstacles and overcome them. Just never give up.

November 8, 2019 2 min read

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Behind every entrepreneur’s success story, there’s a never-ending list of gut-wrenching failures, missed opportunities and jaw-dropping setbacks. Real estate mogul and serial entrepreneur Manny Khoshbin is one of those entrepreneurs with a story of perseverance that will make you believe in the American Dream all over again.

Driven goes beyond Manny’s personal ride through the entrepreneurial journey to deliver the habits, mindset and insights aspiring entrepreneurs need to turn dreams into reality. Buckle up and join Manny as he shares his experiences and teaches you how to:

  • Beat the odds and become a successful entrepreneur in your own right.
  • Challenge yourself, study your failures and pivot your plans.
  • Double down on projects, ideas and investments you’re passionate about.
  • Spot and surround yourself with positive, successful and like-minded people.
  • Change your mindset to achieve what you think is impossible.

Related: Book of the Week: ‘Think Big, Act Bigger’

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