First Starbucks Employee Union Created

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After a long battle between employees and the world’s largest coffee company, the first Starbucks workers union was finally voted on. Of the 8,000 coffee shops that the company has in the United States, three of them applied separately to be part of the SEIU union .

Asael Peña vía Unsplash

Only two of them were able to achieve their goal. The Buffalo, New York branch this week became the first to join a union, these types of actions represent important steps for the union movement in the United States.

The vote count was broadcast live by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and after two hours of deliberation, the employees celebrated a victory.

“We hope that after this, Starbucks will stop their campaign of union harassment, turn the page and come to the negotiating table and we can create a contract that both we and Starbucks can be proud of,” said Jaz Brisack, a of the organizers of the petition.

Throughout the entire process, the company showed a very negative attitude about the request of its employees. Now that the results have turned against him, Starbucks hasn’t changed its mind. “If a significant portion of our employees were to unionize, our labor costs could increase and our business could be adversely affected … They could have a negative impact on how our brand is perceived and have adverse effects on our business, including our financial results.” , communicated the company