Netflix releases first Punisher season two teaser

Frank Castle will return to his life of vigilantism when the second season of Netflix’s The Punisher premieres.

The streaming service released the first teaser for the Marvel series’ second season, which sees Castle burn the pardon he received at the end of the first season. That means Castle isn’t giving up on his role as the Punisher. There isn’t any more information that fans can gleam from the short teaser, but Netflix says the show’s second season is arriving “soon.”

The Punisher’s first season was mostly well received by critics who praised actor Jon Bernthal’s portrayal of the character. It’s also one of the few Netflix and Marvel original series left on the platform following cancellations of multiple shows, including Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Daredevil. Jessica Jones and The Punisher are the last two shows that exist under Marvel and Netflix’s joint partnership.

It’s unclear if Luke Cage, Daredevil, or Iron Fist will continue on Disney’s upcoming stand-alone streaming service, but Marvel Entertainment has confirmed Daredevil’s journey will continue in some capacity.