Samuel L. Jackson Gets Furious About Bread Imitators in Warburtons Ad

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Samuel L. Jackson is known for his fiery performances, whether in Pulp Fiction or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So when British bread maker Warburtons wanted to respond to a social post asking about other products that look similar to its signature orange packaging, the brand cast Jackson as a very angry version of chairman Jonathan Warburton.

In the film from agency Joyful & Triumphant, Jackson expresses his rage at imitators by snapping a laptop in half and kicking down a door, before explaining everything that makes the brand unique. He visits a wheat field and does some showy science to demonstrate how the company makes the bread soft, butterable and bouncy.

He and the actual Jonathan Warburton then share a cup of coffee as Warburton compliments his stand-in’s work.

“Quality is truly at the heart of our 145-year-old business, and this new ad is a real celebration of that passion,” Warburton said in a statement. “Inviting the big-screen hero of Samuel L. Jackson into the business was a uniquely memorable experience, and we hope to bring some light-hearted humor to viewers at home—while reminding the nation that our Toastie truly offers our customers the best of the best.”

The ad debuted across Warburtons’ social channels Wednesday and will launch on U.K. TV Friday. It will also incorporate posters depicting Jackson.

“‘Take your baking seriously, but never yourselves,’ said Jonathan’s father, Derek, so we figured a less than serious way to bring to life the Warburtons maxim was to cast Hollywood’s most serious monologist Samuel L. Jackson,” Joyful & Triumphant executive creative director Billy Faithfull said in a statement. “We hope people will think twice before questioning the unique quality of a Warburtons Toastie Loaf, at least for the next generation or two.”

Warburtons has a long history of enlisting top talent for its advertising, with previous campaigns for the Bolton-based company starring George Clooney, Sylvester Stallone and Robert DeNiro.

“It was a pleasure to meet the man at the helm of Britain’s biggest family bakery,” Jackson said in a statement. “And what an honor to follow in the footsteps of Bolton alumni George Clooney and Robert DeNiro. We had a lot of fun on set, so I hope people enjoy the finished product—the ad and Toastie Loaf!”

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