Spotify’s Biggest Campaign Since ‘Wrapped’ Is Deeply Personal and Relatable

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Spotify unveiled its largest global marketing campaign since 2023’s Wrapped, with a similar message about the intensely personal relationship that many users have with the platform

Like the nine-year-old Wrapped, the new campaign, “My Spotify,” is personalized and rooted in insights from the platform’s own data. The ads feature real fans and highlight their unique listening habits and connections to Spotify’s content. 

The lines in the campaign are intentionally relatable, playing up how the Spotify listening experience can feel as personal and intimate as a human relationship. For example, one ad reads, “My Spotify knows me better than my therapist,” while another says, “My Spotify is my own planet.”

My Spotify
The global ads feature real fans, as well as cultural icons.Spotify

Along with real listeners, cultural icons including artist and designer Carly Mark, English soccer player Lauren James, actor Ewen Bremner and power publicist Gia Kuan appear in the campaign. 

Spotify also designed the campaign so that each fan will have a different experience. Personalized messages will appear in the application to reveal listeners’ unique listening habits and recommend certain features tailored to them. 

For example, Spotify may serve a reader a card that says, “Me in the morning,” with a user’s most played song in the morning, followed by, “Me in the afternoon,” with their favorite afternoon song. 

The “Made for You” hub on the app will also share personalized playlists, podcasts and recommendations for every user.  

My Spotify
The data-driven approach in ‘Wrapped’ translates to ‘My Spotify.’Spotify

This approach is similar to Wrapped, which delivers personalized year-in-review playlists and content for users and has become one of the streaming giant’s biggest marketing moments. 

Created in-house, the new campaign will run across digital, social and out-of-home sites in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland and Australia before expanding to more markets in the coming months. 

“Spotify’s world-class personalization is at the heart of this campaign, celebrating the unique relationship between each listener and their Spotify,” Marc Hazan, vice president of marketing and partnerships at Spotify, said in a statement. “Our goal is to capture those hyperpersonal moments that occur when fans use Spotify. With our products and features, we strive to connect fans with the audio they love in a way that can’t be found anywhere else.”

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