Tag : football


“Do you have any idea what scoring six goals to Avvocato Agnelli means for a South Italy soccer team?”This is what Diego Armando Maradona asked the filmmaker Emir Kusturica in his famous documentary about the life of the Argentinian. It means that almost thirty years after his last season in Naples, where in seven years ..

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“Do you have any idea what scoring six goals to Avvocato Agnelli means for a South Italy soccer team?”This is what Diego Armando Maradona asked the filmmaker Emir Kusturica in his famous documentary about the life of the Argentinian. It means that almost thirty years after his last season in Naples, where in seven years ..

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reader comments 6 with 6 posters participating Share this story [embedded content] There’s a Wired video accompaniment if curious. A northeasterly breeze blows across the football fieldat the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. To me the wind provides some glorious relief: It’s the middle of the day in the middle of July, and a heat wave has ..

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All’Hotel Litus di Ostia, fino al 27 Gennaio, un allestimento itinerante ha messo in mostra i più curiosi ed eccezionali cimeli del calcio. Dai primi prototipi di guanti e palloni all’ultima divisa indossata da Davide Astori prima della prematura scomparsa, passando per le maglie e i trofei che fecero la storia. Per chi si fosse ..

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