Tag : git


Enlarge / A Mac laptop running Xcode. reader comments 16 with 12 posters participating Share this story CUPERTINO, Calif.—Xcode Cloud, Apple’s continuous integration and delivery service (CI/CD), is exiting beta and will now be available to all developers, the company announced during its annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) on Monday. Xcode Cloud was first announced ..

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Enlarge satyan@redmond:~/src$ git checkout -b microsoft-acquisitions Switched to a new branch ‘microsoft-acquisitions’ satyan@redmond:~/src$ scp satyan@github.com:/github . satyan@redmond:~/src$ git add github satyan@redmond:~/src$ git commit -m “Microsoft announced in June that it > was buying the Git repository and collaboration platform GitHub for > $7.5 billion in stock. That acquisition has received all the necessary > regulatory ..

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reader comments 88 Share this story Microsoft’s switch to using Git as the version control system for Windows’ development has resulted in many challenges. Git wasn’t really built for a 300GB repository with 3.5 million files, and the engineering effort to make Git scale in this way continues. But in adopting and developing what the ..

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