A survival kit for SEO-friendly JavaScript websites

how to make SEO-friendly Javascript websites

JavaScript-powered websites are here to stay. As JavaScript in its many frameworks becomes an ever more popular resource for modern websites, SEOs must be able to guarantee their technical implementation is search engine-friendly.

In this article, we will focus on how to optimize JS-websites for Google (although Bing also recommends the same solution, dynamic rendering).

The content of this article includes:

1.    JavaScript challenges for SEO

2.    Client-side and server-side rendering

3.    How Google crawls websites

4.    How to detect client-side rendered content

5.    The solutions: Hybrid rendering and dynamic rendering

1. JavaScript challenges for SEO

React, Vue, Angular, Node, and Polymer. If at least one of these fancy names rings a bell, then most likely you are already dealing with a JavaScript-powered website.

All these JavaScript frameworks provide great flexibility and power to modern websites.

They open a large range of possibilities in terms of client-side rendering (like allowing the page to be rendered by the browser instead of the server), page load capabilities, dynamic-content, user-interaction, and extended functionalities.

If we only look at what has an impact on SEO, JavaScript frameworks can do the following for a website:

  • Load content dynamically based on users’ interactions
  • Externalize the loading of visible content (see client-side rendering below)
  • Externalize the loading of meta-content or code (for example, structured data)

Unfortunately, if implemented without using a pair of SEO lenses, JavaScript frameworks can pose serious challenges to the page performance, ranging from speed deficiencies to render-blocking issues, or even hindering crawlability of content and links.

There are many aspects that SEOs must look after when auditing a JavaScript-powered web page, which can be summarized as follows:

  1. Is the content visible to Googlebot? Remember the bot doesn’t interact with the page (images, tabs, and more).
  2. Are links crawlable, hence followed? Always use the anchor (<a>) and the reference (href=), even in conjunction with the “onclick” events.
  3. Is the rendering fast enough?
  4. How does it affect crawl efficiency and crawl budget?

A lot of questions to answer. So where should an SEO start?

Below are key guidelines to the optimization of JS-websites, to enable the usage of these frameworks while keeping the search engine bots happy.

2. Client-side and server-side rendering: The best “frenemies”

Probably the most important pieces of knowledge all SEOs need when they have to cope with JS-powered websites is the concepts of client-side and server-side rendering.

Understanding the differences, benefits, and disadvantages of both are critical to deploying the right SEO strategy and not getting lost when speaking with software engineers (who eventually are the ones in charge of implementing that strategy).

Let’s look at how Googlebot crawls and indexes pages, putting it as a very basic sequential process:

how googlebot crawls and indexes pages

1. The client (web browser) places several requests to the server, in order to download all the necessary information that will eventually display the page. Usually, the very first request concerns the static HTML document.

2. The CSS and JS files, referred to by the HTML document, are then downloaded: these are the styles, scripts and services that contribute to generating the page.

3. The Website Rendering Service (WRS) parses and executes the JavaScript (which can manage all or part of the content or just a simple functionality).
This JavaScript can be served to the bot in two different ways:

  • Client-side: all the job is basically “outsourced” to the WRS, which is now in charge of loading all the script and necessary libraries to render that content. The advantage for the server is that when a real user requests the page, it saves a lot of resources, as the execution of the scripts happens on the browser side.
  • Server-side: everything is pre-cooked (aka rendered) by the server, and the final result is sent to the bot, ready for crawling and indexing. The disadvantage here is that all the job is carried out internally by the server, and not externalized to the client, which can lead to additional delays in the rendering of further requests.

4. Caffeine (Google’s indexer) indexes the content found

New links are discovered within the content for further crawling

This is the theory, but in the real world, Google doesn’t have infinite resources and has to do some prioritization in the crawling.

3. How Google actually crawls websites

Google is a very smart search engine with very smart crawlers.

However, it usually adopts a reactive approach when it comes to new technologies applied to web development. This means that it is Google and its bots that need to adapt to the new frameworks as they become more and more popular (which is the case with JavaScript).

For this reason, the way Google crawls JS-powered websites is still far from perfect, with blind spots that SEOs and software engineers need to mitigate somehow.

This is in a nutshell how Google actually crawls these sites:

how googlebot crawls a JS rendered site

The above graph was shared by Tom Greenaway in Google IO 2018 conference, and what it basically says is – If you have a site that relies heavily on JavaScript, you’d better load the JS-content very quickly, otherwise we will not be able to render it (hence index it) during the first wave, and it will be postponed to a second wave, which no one knows when may occur.

Therefore, your client-side rendered content based on JavaScript will probably be rendered by the bots in the second wave, because during the first wave they will load your server-side content, which should be fast enough. But they don’t want to spend too many resources and take on too many tasks.

In Tom Greenaway’s words:

“The rendering of JavaScript powered websites in Google Search is deferred until Googlebot has resources available to process that content.”

Implications for SEO are huge, your content may not be discovered until one, two or even five weeks later, and in the meantime, only your content-less page would be assessed and ranked by the algorithm.

What an SEO should be most worried about at this point is this simple equation:

No content is found = Content is (probably) hardly indexable

And how would a content-less page rank? Easy to guess for any SEO.

So far so good. The next step is learning if the content is rendered client-side or server-side (without asking software engineers).

4. How to detect client-side rendered content

Option one: The Document Object Model (DOM)

There are several ways to know it, and for this, we need to introduce the concept of DOM.

The Document Object Model defines the structure of an HTML (or an XML) document, and how such documents can be accessed and manipulated.

In SEO and software engineering we usually refer to the DOM as the final HTML document rendered by the browser, as opposed to the original static HTML document that lives in the server.

You can think of the HTML as the trunk of a tree. You can add branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits to it (that is the DOM).

What JavaScript does is manipulate the HTML and create an enriched DOM that adds up functionalities and content.

In practice, you can check the static HTML by pressing “Ctrl+U” on any page you are looking at, and the DOM by “Inspecting” the page once it’s fully loaded.

Most of the times, for modern websites, you will see that the two documents are quite different.

Option two: JS-free Chrome profile 

Create a new profile in Chrome and disallow JavaScript through the content settings (access them directly here –  Chrome://settings/content).

Any URL you browse with this profile will not load any JS content. Therefore, any blank spot in your page identifies a piece of content that is served client-side.

Option three: Fetch as Google in Google Search Console

Provided that your website is registered in Google Search Console (I can’t think of any good reason why it wouldn’t be), use the “Fetch as Google” tool in the old version of the console. This will return a rendering of how Googlebot sees the page and a rendering of how a normal user sees it. Many differences there?

Option four: Run Chrome version 41 in headless mode (Chromium) 

Google officially stated in early 2018 that they use an older version of Chrome (specifically version 41, which anyone can download from here) in headless mode to render websites. The main implication is that a page that doesn’t render well in that version of Chrome can be subject to some crawling-oriented problems.

Option five: Crawl the page on Screaming Frog using Googlebot

And with the JavaScript rendering option disabled. Check if the content and meta-content are rendered correctly by the bot.

After all these checks, still, ask your software engineers because you don’t want to leave any loose ends.

5. The solutions: Hybrid rendering and dynamic rendering

Asking a software engineer to roll back a piece of great development work because it hurts SEO can be a difficult task.

It happens frequently that SEOs are not involved in the development process, and they are called in only when the whole infrastructure is in place.

We SEOs should all work on improving our relationship with software engineers and make them aware of the huge implications that any innovation can have on SEO.

This is how a problem like content-less pages can be avoided from the get-go. The solution resides on two approaches.

Hybrid rendering

Also known as Isomorphic JavaScript, this approach aims to minimize the need for client-side rendering, and it doesn’t differentiate between bots and real users.

Hybrid rendering suggests the following:

  1. On one hand, all the non-interactive code (including all the JavaScript) is executed server-side in order to render static pages. All the content is visible to both crawlers and users when they access the page.
  2. On the other hand, only user-interactive resources are then run by the client (the browser). This benefits the page load speed as less client-side rendering is needed.

Dynamic rendering

This approach aims to detect requests placed by a bot vs the ones placed by a user and serves the page accordingly.

  1. If the request comes from a user: The server delivers the static HTML and makes use of client-side rendering to build the DOM and render the page.
  2. If the request comes from a bot: The server pre-renders the JavaScript through an internal renderer (such as Puppeteer), and delivers the new static HTML (the DOM, manipulated by the JavaScript) to the bot.

how google does dynamic rendering javascript sites

The best of both worlds

Combining the two solutions can also provide great benefit to both users and bots.

  1. Use hybrid rendering if the request comes from a user
  2. Use server-side rendering if the request comes from a bot


As the use of JavaScript in modern websites is growing every day, through many light and easy frameworks, it requires software engineers to solely rely on HTML to please search engine bots which are not realistic nor feasible.

However, the SEO issues raised by client-side rendering solutions can be successfully tackled in different ways using hybrid rendering and dynamic rendering.

Knowing the technology available, your website infrastructure, your engineers, and the solutions can guarantee the success of your SEO strategy even in complicated environments such as JavaScript-powered websites.

Giorgio Franco is a Senior Technical SEO Specialist at Vistaprint.

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Cybersecurity in SEO: How website security affects SEO performance

cybersecurity in SEO, how website security affects your SEO performance

Website security — or lack thereof — can directly impact your SEO performance.

Search specialists can grow complacent. Marketers often get locked into a perception of what SEO is and begin to overlook what SEO should be.

The industry has long questioned the permanent impact a website hack can have on organic performance.

And many are beginning to question the role preventative security measures might play in Google’s evaluation of a given domain.

Thanks to the introduction of the GDPR and its accompanying regulations, questions of cybersecurity and data privacy have returned to the fray.

The debate rages on. What is the true cost of an attack? To what extent will site security affect my ranking?

The truth is, a lot of businesses have yet to grasp the importance of securing their digital assets. Until now, establishing on-site vulnerabilities has been considered a different skillset than SEO. But it shouldn’t be.

Being a leader – both in thought and search performance – is about being proactive and covering the bases your competition has not.

Website security is often neglected when discussing long-term digital marketing plans. But in reality, it could be the signal that sets you apart.

When was the last time cybersecurity was discussed during your SEO site audit or strategy meeting?

How does website security affect SEO?

HTTPS was named as a ranking factor and outwardly pushed in updates to the Chrome browser. Since then, HTTPS has, for the most part, become the ‘poster child’ of cybersecurity in SEO.

But as most of us know, security doesn’t stop at HTTPS. And HTTPS certainly does not mean you have a secure website.

Regardless of HTTPS certification, research shows that most websites will experience an average of 58 attacks per day. What’s more, as much as 61 percent of all internet traffic is automated — which means these attacks do not discriminate based on the size or popularity of the website in question.

No site is too small or too insignificant to attack. Unfortunately, these numbers are only rising. And attacks are becoming increasingly difficult to detect.

1. Blacklisting

If – or when – you’re targeted for an attack, direct financial loss is not the only cause for concern. A compromised website can distort SERPs and be subject to a range of manual penalties from Google.

That being said, search engines are blacklisting only a fraction of the total number of websites infected with malware.

GoDaddy’s recent report found that in 90 percent of cases, infected websites were not flagged at all.

This means the operator could be continually targeted without their knowledge – eventually increasing the severity of sanctions imposed.

Even without being blacklisted, a website’s rankings can still suffer from an attack. The addition of malware or spam to a website can only have a negative outcome.

It’s clear that those continuing to rely on outward-facing symptoms or warnings from Google might be overlooking malware that is affecting their visitors.

This creates a paradox. Being flagged or blacklisted for malware essentially terminates your website and obliterates your rankings, at least until the site is cleaned and the penalties are rescinded.

Not getting flagged when your site contains malware leads to greater susceptibility to hackers and stricter penalties.

Prevention is the only solution.

This is especially alarming considering that 9 percent, or as many as 1.7 million websites, have a major vulnerability that could allow for the deployment of malware.

If you’re invested in your long-term search visibility, operating in a highly competitive market, or heavily reliant on organic traffic, then vigilance in preventing a compromise is crucial.

2. Crawling errors

Bots will inevitably represent a significant portion of your website and application traffic.

But not all bots are benign. At least 19% of bots crawl websites for more nefarious purposes like content scraping, vulnerability identification, or data theft.

Even if their attempts are unsuccessful, constant attacks from automated software can prevent Googlebot from adequately crawling your site.

Malicious bots use the same bandwidth and server resources as a legitimate bot or normal visitor would.

However, if your server is subject to repetitive, automated tasks from multiple bots over a long period of time, it can begin to throttle your web traffic. In response, your server could potentially stop serving pages altogether.

If you notice strange 404 or 503 errors in Search Console for pages that aren’t missing at all, it’s possible Google tried crawling them but your server reported them as missing.

This kind of error can happen if your server is overextended

Though their activity is usually manageable, sometimes even legitimate bots can consume resources at an unsustainable rate. If you add lots of new content, aggressive crawling in an attempt to index it may strain your server.

Similarly, it’s possible that legitimate bots may encounter a fault in your website, triggering a resource intensive operation or an infinite loop.

To combat this, most sites use server-side caching to serve pre-built versions of their site rather than repeatedly generating the same page on every request, which is far more resource intensive. This has the added benefit of reducing load times for your real visitors, which Google will approve of.

Most major search engines also provide a way to control the rate at which their bots crawl your site, so as not to overwhelm your servers’ capabilities.

This does not control how often a bot will crawl your site, but the level of resources consumed when they do.

To optimize effectively, you must recognize the threat against you or your client’s specific business model.

Appreciate the need to build systems that can differentiate between bad bot traffic, good bot traffic, and human activity. Done poorly, you could reduce the effectiveness of your SEO, or even block valuable visitors from your services completely.

In the second section, we’ll cover more on identifying malicious bot traffic and how to best mitigate the problem.

3. SEO spam

Over 73% of hacked sites in GoDaddy’s study were attacked strictly for SEO spam purposes.

This could be an act of deliberate sabotage, or an indiscriminate attempt to scrape, deface, or capitalize upon an authoritative website.

Generally, malicious actors load sites with spam to discourage legitimate visits, turn them into link farms, and bait unsuspecting visitors with malware or phishing links.

In many cases, hackers take advantage of existing vulnerabilities and get administrative access using an SQL injection.

This type of targeted attack can be devastating. Your site will be overrun with spam and potentially blacklisted. Your customers will be manipulated. The reputation damages can be irreparable.

Other than blacklisting, there is no direct SEO penalty for website defacements. However, the way your website appears in the SERP changes. The final damages depend on the alterations made.

But it’s likely your website won’t be relevant for the queries it used to be, at least for a while.

Say an attacker gets access and implants a rogue process on your server that operates outside of the hosting directory.

They could potentially have unfettered backdoor access to the server and all of the content hosted therein, even after a file clean-up.

Using this, they could run and store thousands of files – including pirated content – on your server.

If this became popular, your server resources would be used mainly for delivering this content. This will massively reduce your site speed, not only losing the attention of your visitors, but potentially demoting your rankings.

Other SEO spam techniques include the use of scraper bots to steal and duplicate content, email addresses, and personal information. Whether you’re aware of this activity or not, your website could eventually be hit by penalties for duplicate content.

How to mitigate SEO risks by improving website security

Though the prospect of these attacks can be alarming, there are steps that website owners and agencies can take to protect themselves and their clients. Here, proactivity and training are key in protecting sites from successful attacks and safeguarding organic performance in the long-run.

1. Malicious bots 

Unfortunately, most malicious bots do not follow standard protocols when it comes to web crawlers. This obviously makes them harder to deter. Ultimately, the solution is dependent on the type of bot you’re dealing with.

If you’re concerned about content scrapers, you can manually look at your backlinks or trackbacks to see what sites are using your links. If you find that your content has been posted without your permission on a spam site, file a DMCA-complaint with Google.

In general, your best defense is to identify the source of your malicious traffic and block access from these sources.

The traditional way of doing this is to routinely analyze your log files through a tool like AWStats. This produces a report listing every bot that has crawled your website, the bandwidth consumed, total number of hits, and more.

Normal bot bandwidth usage should not surpass a few megabytes per month.

If this doesn’t give you the data you need, you can always go through your site or server log files. Using this, specifically the ‘Source IP address’ and ‘User Agent’ data, you can easily distinguish bots from normal users.

Malicious bots might be more difficult to identify as they often mimic legitimate crawlers by using the same or similar User Agent.

If you’re suspicious, you can do a reverse DNS lookup on the source IP address to get the hostname of the bot in question.

The IP addresses of major search engine bots should resolve to recognizable host names like ‘*.googlebot.com’ or ‘*.search.msn.com’ for Bing.

Additionally, malicious bots tend to ignore the robots exclusion standard. If you have bots visiting pages that are supposed to be excluded, this indicates the bot might be malicious.

2. WordPress plugins and extensions 

A huge number of compromised sites involve outdated software on the most commonly used platform and tools – WordPress and its CMS.

WordPress security is a mixed bag. The bad news is, hackers look specifically for sites using outdated plugins in order to exploit known vulnerabilities. What’s more, they’re constantly looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit.

This can lead to a multitude of problems. If you are hacked and your site directories have not been closed from listing their content, the index pages of theme and plugin related directories can get into Google’s index. Even if these pages are set to 404 and the remaining site is cleaned up, they can make your site an easy target for further bulk platform or plugin-based hacking.

It’s been known for hackers to exploit this method to take control of a site’s SMTP services and send spam emails. This can lead to your domain getting blacklisted with email spam databases.

If your website’s core function has any legitimate need for bulk emails – whether it’s newsletters, outreach, or event participants – this can be disastrous.

How to prevent this

Closing these pages from indexing via robots.txt would still leave a telling footprint. Many sites are left removing them from Google’s index manually via the URL removal request form. Along with removal from email spam databases, this can take multiple attempts and long correspondences, leaving lasting damages.

On the bright side, there are plenty of security plugins which, if kept updated, can help you in your efforts to monitor and protect your site.

Popular examples include All in One and Sucuri Security. These can monitor and scan for potential hacking events and have firewall features that block suspicious visitors on a permanent basis.

Review, research, and update each plugin and script that you use. It’s better to invest the time in keeping your plugins updated than make yourself an easy target.

3. System monitoring and identifying hacks 

Many practitioners don’t try to actively determine whether a site has been hacked when accepting prospective clients. Aside from Google’s notifications and the client being transparent about their history, it can be difficult to determine.

This process should play a key role in your appraisal of existing and future business. Your findings here – both in terms of historic and current security – should factor into the strategy you choose to apply.

With 16 months of Search Console data, it can be possible to identify past attacks like spam injection by tracking historical impression data.

That being said, not all attacks take this form. And certain verticals naturally experience extreme traffic variations due to seasonality. Ask your client directly and be thorough in your research.

How to prevent this

To stand your best chance of identifying current hacks early, you’ll need dedicated tools to help diagnose things like crypto-mining software, phishing, and malware.

There are paid services like WebsitePulse or SiteLock that provide a single platform solution for monitoring your site, servers, and applications. Thus, if a plugin goes rogue, adds links to existing pages, or creates new pages altogether, the monitoring software will alert you within minutes.

You can also use a source code analysis tool to detect if a site has been compromised.

These inspect your PHP and other source code for signatures and patterns that match known malware code. Advanced versions of this software compare your code against ‘correct’ versions of the same files rather than scanning for external signatures. This helps catch new malware for which a detection signature may not exist.

Most good monitoring services include the ability to do so from multiple locations. Hacked sites often don’t serve malware to every user.

Instead, they include code that only displays it to certain users based on location, time of day, traffic source, and other criteria. By using a remote scanner that monitors multiple locations, you avoid the risk of missing an infection.

4. Local network security

It’s equally as important to manage your local security as it is that of the website you’re working on. Incorporating an array of layered security software is no use if access control is vulnerable elsewhere.

Tightening your network security is paramount, whether you’re working independently, remotely, or in a large office. The larger your network, the higher the risk of human error, while the risks of public networks cannot be understated.

Ensure you’re adhering to standard security procedures like limiting the number of login attempts possible in a specific time-frame, automatically ending expired sessions, and eliminating form auto-fills.

Wherever you’re working, encrypt your connection with a reliable VPN.

It’s also wise to filter your traffic with a Web Application Firewall (WAF). This will filter, monitor, and block traffic to and from an application to protect against attempts at compromise or data exfiltration.

In the same way as VPN software, this can come in the form of an appliance, software, or as-a-service, and contains policies customized to specific applications. These custom policies will need to be maintained and updated as you modify your applications.


Web security affects everyone. If the correct preventative measures aren’t taken and the worst should happen, it will have clear, lasting consequences for the site from a search perspective and beyond.

When working intimately with a website, client, or strategy, you need to be able to contribute to the security discussion or initiate it if it hasn’t begun.

If you’re invested in a site’s SEO success, part of your responsibility is to ensure a proactive and preventative strategy is in place, and that this strategy is kept current.

The problem isn’t going away any time soon. In the future, the best SEO talent – agency, independent, or in-house – will have a working understanding of cybersecurity.

As an industry, it’s vital we help educate clients about the potential risks – not only to their SEO, but to their business as a whole.

William Chalk is a cybersecurity researcher and digital privacy specialist. He covers these issues for leading tech publications to help support our digital freedoms.

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