Tag : Raspberry Pi


Enlarge / Printables is aiming to build a one-stop site for 3D-printed parts and accessories from brands like Noctua. Printables.com reader comments 12 with 0 posters participating Share this story A number of device and accessory brands—including Adafruit, Framework Computer, Noctua, and Raspberry Pi—have started sharing free official 3D-printable models of parts, accessories, and mods ..

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Enlarge / Ghostwriter understands what you type and can automatically write responses using OpenAI’s GPT-3. Arvind Sanjeev / Ars Technica reader comments 38 with 0 posters participating Share this story On Wednesday, a designer and engineer named Arvind Sanjeev revealed his process for creating Ghostwriter, a one-of-a-kind repurposed Brother typewriter that uses AI to chat ..

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