Tag : Ryuk


Mar 17, 2023 Dario Orlandi Approfondimenti, Malware, RSS, Scenario 0 Akamai ha pubblicato un nuovo report della serie State of the Internet, inititolato “Attack Superhighway: un esame approfondito del traffico DNS malevolo”. La ricerca sottolinea il crescente numero di attacchi che mirano a sottrarre informazioni personali attraverso i dispositivi mobili, come il malware Android FluBot, ..

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reader comments 65 with 35 posters participating Share this story A recently discovered ransomware group has netted almost $4 million since August, in large part by following a path that’s uncommon in its industry—selectively installing the malicious encryption software on previously infected targets with deep pockets. The method differs from the usual one of indiscriminately ..

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