Tag : Tracking&Law Enforcement


Video messaging technology giant Zoom has shipped patches for high-severity vulnerabilities that expose enterprise users to remote code execution and command injection attacks. The company released multiple security bulletins to warn of the risks and called special attention to a pair of “high-risk” bugs affecting its on-prem meeting connector software and the popular Keybase Client. ..

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United States Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday formally announced support for the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, an international collaborative initiative aimed at advancing cybersecurity. Issued in 2018, the Paris Call details nine principles to improve stability in cyberspace through global collaboration, and has been already signed by 79 countries. The ..

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The Biden administration announced Wednesday it is putting new export limits on Israel’s NSO Group, the world’s most infamous hacker-for-hire company, saying its tools have been used to “conduct transnational repression.” The company, whose spyware researchers say has been used around the world to break into the phones of human rights activists, journalists, and even ..

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Europol and Norwegian Police on Friday announced the arrests of 12 individuals suspected of being involved in ransomware attacks launched against companies around the world, including critical infrastructure organizations. According to Europol, the suspects played various roles in ransomware attacks that impacted more than 1,800 victims across 71 countries, including many major corporations that suffered ..

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