Tag : two-factor authentication


Enlarge / This is definitely not a Razer mouse—but you get the idea. reader comments 96 with 80 posters participating, including story author Share this story There has been a recent flurry of phishing attacks so surgically precise and well-executed that they’ve managed to fool some of the most aware people working in the cybersecurity ..

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reader comments 46 with 38 posters participating Share this story There’s wide consensus among security experts that physical two-factor authentication keys provide the most effective protection against account takeovers. Research published today doesn’t change that, but it does show how malicious attackers with physical possession of a Google Titan key can clone it. There are ..

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Enlarge / An Ars-branded Yubikey. Steven Klein reader comments 184 with 125 posters participating Share this story Almost three years ago, Google introduced its Advanced Protection Program (APP), a security plan for high-risk users that requires hardware keys for account access and is arguably the industry’s most effective way to stop account takeovers in their ..

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reader comments 60 with 45 posters participating Share this story Since December 2018, the Epic Games Store has maintained an aggressive weekly campaign of free game giveaways. That campaign changes this week, though not with any plans to stop offering freebies. Instead, Epic has updated the promotion with its first security-minded rule: if you want ..

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