These are the 5 brands with the most complaints for their online service, according to Profeco

All of the annoyances were related to purchasing faulty online products.

October 8, 2020 2 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.
  • Whirlpool.

  • Walmart.

  • Liverpool.

“You already exhibited us!” as the meme would say. Undoubtedly, online purchases have increased in 2020. The circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have prompted consumers to purchase their products via the web.

In this context, the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office (Profeco) registered 227 complaints from users who asked to make valid the guarantees of purchases they made through online platforms.

5 out of 10 companies in Mexico are doubling their growth on the Internet, and 2 out of 10 register growths greater than 300% in the volume of online sales, according to a study carried out by the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO).

But, despite this growth, many of them have had problems meeting the needs of their customers in this channel and although 9 out of 10 complaints were adjusted, Profeco released the five brands with the greatest dissatisfaction by consumers , among which are:

  1. Whirlpool, with 27.

  2. Walmart, with 17.

  3. Liverpool, with 9.

  4. Samsung Electronics, with 7.

  5. Best Buy, with 6.

All of the annoyances were related to purchasing faulty or non-working products online. Faced with this situation, Profeco explained that it is necessary to verify the information offered by the sellers, as well as the product policy and if it received the order form to verify the characteristics of the merchandise.

If you do not get the product that the online store offered you or the documents mentioned above, you will be entitled to a replacement, a refund of the money or a bonus of no less than 20% of what you paid. On the other hand, if it is broken or has flaws, you should check that the warranty protects the item from damage.