This Tech-Forward Company Is Helping People Pay Less for Car Insurance

Check your price in just a few minutes.

November 9, 2020 3 min read

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Times are challenging for many people across the world. With the pandemic’s impact on the economy, small businesses, specifically, have been forced to shut down, which has put many more people out of work. As such, more of us are thinking about where and how we might be able to save on monthly bills. But while you’re looking for subscriptions to cancel and bills to lower, you may not have considered your car insurance.

Why not?

You may think you have to live with your existing car insurance, but when was the last time you compared rates? It might sound like a slog, but with Clearcover, a car insurance company, reevaluating your car insurance is much easier than you think, and it can save you a good chunk of money.

For those in the know around the insurtech space, Clearcover is like the Lemonade of car insurance. It’s using technology to simplify the world of car insurance and makes it more affordable than ever. In the past, you had to sit on the phone for hours with a car insurance provider or fill out endless forms just to get a quote. With Clearcover, it takes just a few minutes and you can complete the entire process on your smartphone. Plus, there’s a good chance that your quote will be lower or you will get better coverage than your current provider. 

Once you’ve found a quote you’re happy with, you can make the switch in minutes, provided you’re in one of the ten states where Clearcover currently operates. Clearcover explains exactly what you are paying for in plain English so you understand what is covered in your policy. 

From there, you can manage your entire policy digitally without ever having to pick up the phone. The Clearcover mobile app — available on Android and iPhone — makes it easy to file auto claims and get roadside assistance when you actually need it. Plus, you can pay bills through the app and get proof of insurance at any time (whether or not you have cell service). Not having your insurance card on hand at the worst moment will no longer be a possibility. The Clearcover app has a sterling 4.7 stars on the IOS App Store so you know it’s reliable, too.

It might be time to change your car insurance or at least see what’s out there. It only takes a few minutes to check your price with Clearcover and find out how much you can save.