Categoria : Security


Apr 16, 2024 Marina Londei Approfondimenti, Attacchi, Malware, News, RSS 0 LockBit continua a colpire le organizzazioni di tutto il mondo, evolvendosi rapidamente. In seguito a un recente incidente, il team Kaspersky Global Emergency Response ha individuato una variante del ransomware che ha dimostrato funzionalità di auto-propagazione.  La variante ha utilizzato feature finora inedite che, ..

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The telecommunications industry underpins global communication and powers our digital world. Cybercriminals, however, have also become increasingly sophisticated in the threats they pose against such critical infrastructure. Recent developments, like the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 7-day rule mandating that telecom providers report data breaches within seven days after initial discovery, underscore the growing urgency to ..

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The adoption of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 creates a watershed moment for cybersecurity, revolutionizing encryption and data protection standards. TLS has been widely used to secure data end-to-end for many decades. Though this latest version significantly enhances the security of the TLS protocol, it also severely limits the decryption of those data streams ..

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Enlarge / The Framework Laptop 13. Andrew Cunningham reader comments 106 Since Framework showed off its first prototypes in February 2021, we’ve generally been fans of the company’s modular, repairable, upgradeable laptops. Not that the company’s hardware releases to date have been perfect—each Framework Laptop 13 model has had quirks and flaws that range from ..

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Le interazioni di natura digitale, su rete pubblica o all’interno di reti private, hanno assunto un ruolo predominante nelle relazioni sia interpersonali che di business. Per questo è fondamentale intervenire affinché il tutto possa avvenire in un ambiente online sicuro. Per le reti pubbliche, le recenti disposizioni di legge hanno imposto agli operatori (ISP, Internet ..

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reader comments 22 Highly capable hackers are rooting multiple corporate networks by exploiting a maximum-severity zero-day vulnerability in a firewall product from Palo Alto Networks, researchers said Friday. The vulnerability, which has been under active exploitation for at least two weeks now, allows the hackers with no authentication to execute malicious code with root privileges, ..

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