Players are exploiting Black Ops 4 emotes to peek around corners

In first-person view, you're staring at a wall. With the third-person emote camera, you can see what's coming around that corner.

Enlarge / In first-person view, you’re staring at a wall. With the third-person emote camera, you can see what’s coming around that corner. (credit: Twitter / GameSkinny)

The first-person perspective in shooters usually brings an inherent kind of balance to the constant battle for cover—if you peek your head out to see an opponent, they’ll be able to see you as well. Over the weekend, though, Black Ops 4 players found the game’s new gesture system had the unintended side effect of breaking this balance, letting players easily and safely see around cover from a third-person perspective.

When you perform a Fortnite-style gesture in Black Ops 4, the camera instantly zooms out to a third-person view with full, free-look control of the camera. The intent is for players to enjoy their own animations from any angle. But the new viewpoint also allows for illicit and completely protected peeking around walls and corners, as can be seen in multiple video and photo examples that have been posted online since the game’s launch.

Developer Treyarch is wasting no time in addressing player concerns over the apparently unintended unbalancing. In a statement posted to Reddit Saturday, the company wrote that it is working on an update that will remove the free-look third-person camera from the “competitive” portions of the game.

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