New Iron Fist Season 2 trailer renews our hope for the Netflix series


Enlarge / Train up: Iron Fist‘s second season premieres on Netflix on September 7. (credit: Netflix)

You’d be forgiven for losing track of Marvel’s various Defenders series and characters on Netflix over the past few years—particularly if you let its weakest standalone series, Iron Fist, fall through your viewing queue. But thanks to the new trailer for Iron Fist’s second season, which arrived on Thursday, we may have good reason to get excited when this Defender returns to Netflix on September 7.

(Mild spoilers for IF S1 and Defenders below.)

Hopes for a more compelling Iron Fist took a while to come to fruition: sometime through the first Defenders season, when Danny “Iron Fist” Rand (Finn Jones) received a verbal beatdown from Luke Cage (“You had power the day you were born”). That potential was fulfilled when Rand guested in Luke Cage‘s second season. This downright likable two-episode arc delivered what was arguably missing from his series’ first season: a sense of deeper personal growth, even as he overcame tremendous physical odds to become the Iron Fist.

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