New trailer for Avengers: End Game: The lights are on, but who’s home?

Marvel dropped a second teaser trailer for Avengers: End Game just as Super Bowl LIII kicked off.

Just as Super Bowl LIII got underway, Marvel dropped a second teaser trailer for Avengers: End Game, the hotly anticipated follow-up to 2018’s Infinity War. There’s some new footage, but very few hints about what we can expect when the movie premiers this spring.

(Spoilers for Infinity War and Ant-Man and The Wasp below.)

In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos (an intergalactic supervillain from Titan) successfully collected all six Infinity Stones: the Power Stone, the Space Stone, the Time Stone, the Reality Stone, the Soul Stone, and the Mind Stone. Once collected and placed in the Infinity Gauntlet, they gave Thanos the power to wipe out half of all living beings in the universe. And despite the valiant collective efforts of pretty much every superhero in the Marvel cinematic universe, Thanos succeeds. With a single snap of his fingers, half of the universe dissolves into dust, including many of our beloved superheroes.

The first trailer dropped in December, giving us our first glimpse of the Avengers who survived the Snappening. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is floating aimlessly in space, with no food or water left, and rapidly dwindling oxygen—and, he thinks, no hope of rescue. Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner)—who Black Widow discovers lurking somewhere in Asia—are all brooding and depressed (with good reason). The only one who’s still fairly chipper is Scott Lang/Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) showing up unexpectedly at the Avengers base. That means he escaped the quantum realm where he was presumably trapped at the end of Ant-Man and The Wasp.

Memento mori

We knew from the rumor mill that this second trailer would only use footage from the first 20 minutes of the film. The surviving Avengers are still dealing with their staggering loss; it looks like Cap is in a therapy support group. “Some people move on. But not us,” his voiceover intones. The first few seconds show us the fallen in rapid succession, in black and white hues with red highlights.

But we also see them starting to regroup. Black Widow gets in a little target practice. Tony Stark is in the lab with Nebula, at work on…. something, so clearly he didn’t perish in space (as if anyone really thought he would). And we see War Machine and Ant Man gearing up for a supposed mission. Thor, Rocket, and Hawkeye make brief appearances. The last shot is our trust crew striding together to face whatever fight lies ahead.

In short, this doesn’t tell us much we didn’t already know, but serves the purpose of keeping us psyched for the film’s release. Avengers: End Game hits theaters April 26, 2019.

Listing image by Marvel Studios