Samsung cancels partnership with counterfeit Supreme brand

Samsung cancels partnership with counterfeit Supreme brand

Back in December, Samsung took the stage at one of its Chinese product launches and announced it was partnering with “Supreme,” the popular skateboard fashion brand. The announcement was made with all the usual tech launch pomp and circumstance, with the CEO of “Supreme” coming on Samsung’s stage to talk about the collaboration. The only problem: this was a Supreme counterfeiter called “Supreme Italia.”

The announcement was met with widespread ridicule online, as “Samsung the Apple copycat” had teamed up with a Supreme copycat. Samsung initially defended the deal, but after seeing the online reaction, the company started “reconsidering” its counterfeit collaboration. Now, two months after announcing the deal, Samsung is walking away, according to a translation from Engadget China.

Samsung Electronics had previously mentioned a collaboration with Supreme Italia at the Galaxy A8s China launch event on December 10th, Samsung Electronics has now decided to terminate this collaboration.

It was never really clear what the “Samsung x Fake Supreme” collaboration was supposed to produce, but now we’ll never know. With the deal dead, Samsung can now focus on more important matters, like the upcoming launch of the Galaxy S10 later this month.