Net neutrality foe Marsha Blackburn’s quest for a US Senate seat got a plug yesterday from President Donald Trump, who endorsed Blackburn at a campaign rally where he also criticized his various enemies, including “Crooked Hillary.”
“[Blackburn] is a great woman,” Trump told a crowd at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium. “We need Marsha in the Senate to continue the amazing progress and work that we’ve done over the last year and a half. There has never been an administration, and even some of our enemies are begrudgingly admitting this, that has done what we’ve done in the first year and a half.”
Rep. Blackburn (R-Tenn.) is one of the most outspoken opponents of strict net neutrality rules in the House of Representatives and chairs a key subcommittee that oversees telecommunications. She is seeking the Republican nomination for one of Tennessee’s Senate seats.
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