As designers we know that so often in our everlasting fight to rid the world of ugly design, we can find ourselves with a mind full of design and a stomach full of hunger. Thankfully the surge of convenience food has enabled us to grab our snacks on the go. And in a serendipitous cycle, just as the offering of soggy petrol station sandwiches has been replaced with a variety of high-end treats, the packaging and branding of on-the-go goodies has also accelerated its game in the last few years.
To burger packaging even more drool-worthy than the contents, to donut wrappers so bedazzling they’re tempting to mount in a picture frame. As food cravings slowly morph into design cravings we thought it about time to do a round-up of all the tasty snacks out there with even tastier branding.
1. Roll Club—Canape
What happens when a food chain decides to expand their menu to include sushi, burgers, fries and pizza? Ukranian studio Canapé designs them an adaptable, desirable identity. With a challenge to modernise the Roll Club brand and make it more eye-grabbing to the variety of dishes, we think they seriously delivered.
2. STAKT Burgers—Marinated
Who can resist a burger? Especially a fancy one with packaging like this. Australian studio Marinated have kept things youthful and minimal on this job for Perth burger joint Stakt, using some fine-line illustrations alongside a tasteful pink palette to attract attention from aesthetically driven customers.
3. Num Pang Kitchen—High Tide NYC
High Tide NYC have instantly grabbed our attention with this bold shade of red. A colour palette perfectly suited to the tasty Cambodian food on offer at Num Pang Kitchen. Simple yet bold this strong identity is the perfect lunchbox for a hungry designer.
4. Hungry Beast—Savvy
Mexican Studio Savvy have nailed this identity for Juice Bar & Cafe Hungry Beast. With plenty of white space and considered splashes of colours, this snack packaging is almost as high-end as a designer handbag shoot in vogue. We’l take the juice and sandwich over the Prada clutch, thanks.
5. Full Of Luck Club—Bravo
In this life you can’t get a whole lot better than take-away Bao, especially if the packaging is as tasty as its contents. We love the energy and dynamism of this Full Of Luck Club branding by Singaporean agency Bravo.
6. Lett—Bielke Yang
Snack time can’t always involve pizzas and burgers—as much as we wish it could. However this branding from Norwegian agency Bielke Yang is just as tantalising. Oslo based healthy fast food chain ‘Lett’ is minimal, clean and leaves you feeling satisfied, just as the food within.
7. Reitan—BVD
Stockholm based agency BVD are all about simplification. So who better to bring some clarity to 7 Eleven and Pressbyrån’s fast food range. With all the information printed in plain sight, you’ll make a good selection even on the shortest of lunch breaks.
8. The Pizza Affair—Futura
Pizza is always a good choice—even more so when it’s got an identity like this. Mexican agency Futura have paired the seductions of a pizza pie with the suggestive erotism found in 70s soft porn to bring The Pizza Affair to life. They explain; ‘When a French project’s name is “The Pizza Affair”, you cant help but think of a passionate game of seduction and an impulsive desire for pizza.’ With pizza this hot who wouldn’t want a slice of the action?
9. Mary Wong—Made by Fork
Moscow agency Made by Fork have injected some serious sophistication into this branding for Noodle Bar ‘Mary Wong’. Melding traditional asian style with a contemporary twist of blocky sans serif type. Alongside an industrial concrete and wood aesthetic—they’ve designed something timeless to enjoy on the move.
10. Huxtaburger—Pop & Pac
It’s tough to compete with the timeless taste of a burger. But with the familiar sight of a cardboard box, paper bag and cup it’s tricky to design something that stands out from the crowd. Well, that was until Pop & Pac went and designed an absolutely breathtaking identity for Australian burger chain Huxtaburger. A summery colour palette and ripped texture perfectly sum up the deliciously messy layers of a good old burger.
11. Mister—Brief
Ice cream is definitely an acceptable lunch time snack, right? We think it’s perfectly justifiable (even in the rain) if the branding looks this good. Designed by Vancouver’s Brief Studio, Mister is an ice cream shop specialising in unconventional ice cream-making process through use of liquid nitrogen. It certainly looks the part, with simple blocked icons reminiscent of a science lab.
12. Juke—Glasfurd & Walker
Whether it’s a sobering solution for 2am alcohol-fuelled hunger pangs, or the cheeky answer to a Friday lunch treat—fried chicken is always your friend. Canadian branding agency Glasfurd & Walker present the finest in sleezy simplicity with this branding for Juke Fried Chicken. With a regal green box and patterned illustrations of a scantily clad bearded-man, the identity is inspired by disco records for a brand that is ‘casual, loud and doesn’t take its self too seriously’; sounds just right for fried chicken.
13. Melt—Can I play
Australian agency Can I play have designed a pizza box so intriguing you won’t want to recycle it, despite the grease stains. Taking pizza back to its Neapolitan origins, Melt’s branding references the old country with a modern twist.
14. Bundobust—Everyday Something
Outside of India itself, everyone knows that Northern England is at the top of the food chain for their curry offerings. But have you ever had it as a quick lunch? If the idea of sampling this bite size version of the flavour-packed cuisine doesn’t have your attention, the branding of Bundobust certainly will. Designed by Everyday Something—with punchy shades of a traditional Indian colour palette and a cameo from the king of the jungle himself it’s definitely one for the hungry designer out there.
15. Happy Maple—Garbett
Last but not least, a bit of desert. Channelling the well known equation that Donut + Mouth = Happiness, Sydney studio Garbett Design present us with a playful design for the aptly name Happy Maple donut shop.
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The post 15 Creative Packaging Designs for Hungry Designers appeared first on Shillington Design Blog.