3 factors that prevent SMEs from growing

  Rassegna Stampa

Know the elements that should not be present in the management of your business if you want it to remain in the market.

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Just as there are many stories of successful entrepreneurs who started small businesses, most of those who dare know the “B side” of business . It is known that in Mexico 80% of microenterprises fail before reaching their first two years of life, and that of those that survive only 20% manage to overcome the five-year barrier.

Beyond wondering how to find and maintain success, it is first necessary to know those factors that prevent a company from growing. Get to know them and prevent them from being part of the management of your business:

About 95% of micro-businesses arise out of necessity and when the need is the mobile phone, it is normal to scarce money. That is why a company does not have the infrastructure, organization and advice necessary to carry out all its operations at its startup, so in the long run it fails. Therefore, before starting your company, make a budget and check that you have enough capital to sustain yourself the first months and that when you take the step, it has all the resources that are required to be successful.

The lack of illusion
When the entrepreneur has the conviction, it does not matter that other factors are added against or that the same business -the moment- is not the most appropriate, he will always find a way to emerge afloat. But after many obstacles without getting around, the illusion is lost and the company declines. It must be remembered that the heart of an organization is its founder and that he must be persistent. Remember that the road to success is neither quick nor easy, and that you probably won’t see results anytime soon; If you believe in your idea, you must be patient and keep working to make things work.

Not having advisers
Some ventures do not grow because they lack guidance, that slight impulse that makes them overcome their moments of crisis so natural, those that appear on the life curve of any company. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with those organizations that advise microenterprises in all their senses: organizational, marketing, technical aspects, legal issues and understanding of finances. You do not have to know all the aspects of your company, better let yourself be guided by the experts.
