3 Strategies Fueling Today’s Creativity, According to Top Marketers

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

However, leaning into culture starts within a company, with DiMeglio noting that a culture of creativity within Paramount Streaming facilitates innovation.

“We’ve always had a culture of always questioning things, trying to innovate and certainly feel like our content creates a lot of moments for creativity,” DiMeglio said. “We have a lot of moments that matter.”

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Use data to tell your story and get buy-in

When it comes to effective creative, data is your friend.

“For me, I’m constantly on my creatives, constantly on my influencer teams as well, to measure everything,” Trombetta said. “Then we can map that back and tell powerful stories as to what it’s doing for us.”

Ramm noted that uncertainty about any adverse effects of advertising on the passenger experience may have been a reason that Uber’s advertising division was delayed for so long.

Data helped prove that wrong, providing a “lever” for Uber Advertising to negotiate internally.

“Turns out it’s quite the opposite,” Ramm said. “It’s more personalized. People like to see the ads, and we’re proving that every day through the formats that we’re developing.”

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