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A lot of entrepreneurs and experts I talk to really want to write a book, but fall victim to what I call the “someday” syndrome.
But with social media algorithms changing rapidly, more people in every niche getting online and tighter wallets in many circles than ever before, it’s critical for those who want to write their books to get it done.
Let’s discuss five reasons why you should take your thoughts about writing a book off the back burner.
1. It truly sets you apart as an expert in your niche; you’ve accomplished something that most people never will.
Multiple internet sources estimate that only about 5% of the people who want to write a book actually complete the first draft. When you consider how many first drafts actually become polished, published books, the numbers get even smaller.
There are few things that scream expert status like a book. You’ve proven that you know what you’re talking about; you’re not just another voice in the crowd making promises they may or may not keep. People are growing more skeptical of people selling their products or services on social media.
Someone who dedicates the time, energy and sometimes financial resources to publish a book is not looking to make a quick buck. They didn’t wake up yesterday and decide to sell something. This type of author, or “authorpreneur” if you will, has years or even decades of education and experience.
Because while you can fake expertise on social media or even during a short in-person speech, it’s much harder to do it in a book.
Related: How to Be Seen as an Expert in Anything
2. You can generate revenue upwards of $30K+ through clients who come into your sales process through your book.
I go into this deeper in some of my other Entrepreneur.com articles and on my social media, but virtually any entrepreneur, coach, attorney, psychologist, etc. can make money on the “back end” through selling their services to their readers. That should definitely be your focus as you write and publish your book, but it’s definitely an art and a science. You don’t want to come across as another Internet marketer by making wild promises in your book.
3. You can make passive income through book sales.
While I constantly warn of the dangers of having unrealistic expectations about book sales, focusing on fake Amazon best-selling author programs, and the like — you can and will make passive income through book sales.
Books I published years ago and don’t even discuss any longer (or never did in the case of pen names) still bring in unexpected royalties. It’s always nice to wake up to unexpected money.
Related: 17 Passive Income Ideas for Increasing Your Cash Flow
4. Writing and publishing a book DRAMATICALLY increases the number of people who benefit from your expertise.
This reason probably applies more to experts such as coaches, consultants, attorneys, psychologists and the like — but even folks with large social media followings, courses and group programs are somewhat limited as to how many people they can help.
Hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people will buy your book. Naturally, not every person who buys any book reads it. (I’m guilty of this myself.)
However, those who read it will benefit from your experiences — even if they don’t reach out to you to work with you further.
5. A book is a valuable tool for getting media interviews.
I was a newspaper reporter for 17 years and have used that experience to help many folks get media interviews and handle them like the experts that they are.
When you have a book, especially a new one, that increases the media’s sense of urgency to interview you. This applies not only to newspapers, but also magazines, TV, radio and podcasts.
I always encourage my clients to think deeper than their current community or network. For example, one client lived in Florida but had deep ties to Kentucky. The media campaign we did, after I guided him through writing and publishing his successful book, included media from both states as well as national media.
Also, other types of media don’t have to be directly related to your book or business.
Are you a Christian? “The 700 Club” has interviewed authors I’ve worked with.
Are you an atheist? Perhaps American Atheists is an appropriate platform for you.
Don’t believe in any religion at all or don’t want to go there with your business? That’s okay; I feel the latter sentiment myself.
You get the idea; think of any possible links and get that book out there.
Because if you don’t talk about the book you’ve written once it’s out there in the world, it’ll be harder to get clients and other opportunities from it.
Related: 3 Ways to Handle That Media Interview Like a Pro
Next steps
So, are you ready to stop procrastinating and get your book done? Today is as good of a day as any to start.
Write, or speak out loud, any story you want that’s related to your expertise. Don’t stop yourself and don’t worry about editing. Just start somewhere.