5 Important Resolutions That Grow Your Business and 10x Your Life

  Rassegna Stampa

We’re entering the time of year when entrepreneurs think about the New Year and make plans. The word “resolutions” is thrown around with disgust because of what it has represented. The statistics tell us that 80% of New Year’s resolutions will fail by February according to U.S. News and World Report. If you have set resolutions in the past, this probably doesn’t surprise you. Here’s the thing, who cares what the stats say? This is your life and business. You don’t have to be dictated to but what’s commonly accepted. You are the one that gets to choose whether or not you become a statistic or defy what the numbers say. 

This isn’t the Matrix. It’s actually very simple. If you want something to happen, you have to do something about it. You have to take action. You can set resolutions that can help you grow beyond this time of year. You can set goals that you implement every month of your life. You can be a part of that 20 percent that sets a resolution- — or whatever you want to call it — and makes the outcome their reality. There are five major goals that can lead to explosive growth in your business and a super-charged life. Set these goals and do something about them right now. 

1. Treat your body as a temple.

It’s been well documented how being in peak physical shape can help your body and mind. As an entrepreneur, you need a lot of energy and confidence to start and grow a business. When your body feels it’s best through eating clean and exercise, you have the strength and confidence to handle all of the challenges of entrepreneurship. One resolution or goal you should set right now, and every month of your life, is to treat your body with the respect that it deserves. Keep the junk out, move a lot more, and never get complacent when it comes to your health. It’s not a mystery. We all know what to do — it’s time to make our health a priority.

Related: 7 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Keep (or Get) Fit, Happy and Productive

2. Become the best version of yourself in every area of your life.

This is one of the keys to having a full life and growing an amazing business. To become better for others, and to do great things, it starts with the work we put into ourselves. This is all-encompassing. You get into peak condition in your body, mind, spirit and every other possible way. You wake up each day knowing you’ll challenge yourself to do more and work harder.

Self-care, self-love, high-performance, and any other label you might want to give it. The point is that you can be better when you are better. Businesses are built by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs are people. Strong individual people are what fuel and lead a successful business. You can fuel your business beyond the initial goals you’ve set. You can power the growth by becoming the best version of you in every area of your life.

Related: 12 Ways to Stop Undermining Your Self Esteem

3. Re-evaluate your growth strategies.

Too many businesses don’t grow because there is no real strategy for how to grow. What we see these days is a lot of fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of entrepreneurship. You might not need to go as far as creating a mission statement and/or laying out every part of your business, but you should have a clear plan and strategy that will take your business through levels. When you have this growth plan, you should check, tweak, and re-evaluate it often.

Related: Yes, You Can Be Happy While Pushing Yourself to Success

4. Cut and add the type of relationships that support your values.

We’ve all heard the quotes on the effects of the people that you allow into your life. As hard as it seems, you will have to cut negative and complacent people out of your life. They will drag you down to their level. You should also be adding people that are in alignment and ahead of you in their businesses. Those are the entrepreneurs that you can learn from and be inspired by. The people company you keep will determine how well you take action and reach your goals. Choose wisely.

Related: Don’t Focus So Much on Success You Never See Your Friends and Family

5. Go after uncomfortable goals.

If you are not uncomfortable, you are not growing. Experiencing growth in life and business feels messy at times. It feels overwhelming and as if it’s more than you can handle. Don’t run from this feeling. The problem with resolutions is not missing them, it’s that the goals being set are not big enough. Set huge goals that feel “impossible” to accomplish. You need something major to strive for and keep you away from complacency.

You don’t have to call what you set this time of year a “resolution.” Call it whatever it takes to actually do something beyond February. This isn’t rocket science. You probably don’t need this article to tell you what you already feel is true. Stop reading this and start doing the work.
