7 inspiring email templates

  Marketing, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

Email allows marketers to reach their buyers at the scale of their business, and forms a critical part of how marketers create the personalized experience that buyers demand. Integral to both campaigns and 1-to-1 communications, email is a main vehicle for sharing content, product information, and education with your customers.

While there are a lot of ways to build a good email, nothing is as inspiring as seeing how other people do it. Salesforce – Pardot has compiled 7 of the most inspiring email templates from B2B companies of all sizes and industries. From interactive content to unique newsletters, these templates highlight the best practices for delivering the best possible experience to your recipients.

  • How to create simple but truly engaging emails.
  • How a long email can work just as well as a short one.
  • How to personalize your content beyond (and alongside) simple variable tags.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “7 Inspiring Email Templates.”

About The Author

Digital Marketing Depot is a resource center for digital marketing strategies and tactics. We feature hosted white papers and E-Books, original research, and webcasts on digital marketing topics — from advertising to analytics, SEO and PPC campaign management tools to social media management software, e-commerce to e-mail marketing, and much more about internet marketing. Digital Marketing Depot is a division of Third Door Media, publisher of Search Engine Land and Marketing Land, and producer of the conference series Search Marketing Expo and MarTech. Visit us at http://digitalmarketingdepot.com.
