8 Undeniable Laws of High Performing Entrepreneurs With Long-Lasting Success

  Rassegna Stampa

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Being a successful entrepreneur is easy. But sustaining that success in business and being a is undeniably the hardest thing to do. That is why I created these eight laws to help you: 

Law 1: Be an action taker

First, being an action taker is better than preparing for the perfect next step. It’s better to get things done than to wait for perfection, because the person who’s always preparing won’t beat the person taking action. They are learning from first-hand experience and gathering real-time data. Action takers learn from their own mistakes and failures

Every long-term successful, high-performing entrepreneur will tell you that you cannot plan for every worst-case scenario. If you could, life and business would be easier. But the mark of a great entrepreneur is their ability to solve problems, big and small. The only way to solve problems is to take massive, fast action.

Related: 4 Mindset Shifts Essential to Being a High-Performing Entrepreneur

Law 2: Learn from the hate

It’s so easy to get hung up on negative comments. We live in such a PC world nowadays, so there are many people looking for a reason to get upset. Whether they post a bad review about you or they say something negative about your company, you have to be able to look at that review as feedback. 

Take your emotions out of it, and see what you can learn from that. If you can’t learn anything from it, move forward. The more successful you become, the more hate you’re going to attract. Not everyone is going to like you, so accept that now. You will have haters along the road, and you have to learn how to learn from your haters.

Law 4: Take care of your personal health

Successful people understand that their health will drive them even further with each level of success that they reach. Needing to optimize their health is not just about their body. It is also their mind, soul and even their money. Lack of money will kill your mental health quicker than anything.

You cannot reach the highest level of success if you are dead or bedridden. That is why you have to constantly improve your health. It is a fundamental piece for you to master so that you can drive your mission forward and sustain yourself. What is true success if you are unable to enjoy it pain and stress-free?

Law 5: Build your long-term and short-term vision

To achieve long-term success, you must have a vision. The Bible says, “People perish because of a lack of vision.” Vision builds hope into you, your business, your company and your future for a better tomorrow.

Your current reality is how life is now, but your life will not always be like this if you have a vision. If you woke up each day focused on the end results and unable to accept your current reality, you would be miserable, because you will always be upset that you are not where you want to be. 

The zoom-out should help you look forward to what you are working so hard to accomplish day in and day out. On the flip side, if you always focus on your current reality and are unable to zoom out to your evolving vision, you will constantly feel as if you are going nowhere. Furthermore, if you have no long-term vision, you have no ability to build momentum.

Related: The Top 5 Habits of Peak Performing Entrepreneurs

Law 6: Take care of your tribe (customers) 

The thing that makes someone successful is having plenty of paying customers, so you should always strive to make sure that they are happy and taken care of. Not taking care of them is the fastest way to kill your business. 

Always communicate with your customers about what they are gaining by purchasing from you and how their life will be different by working with you. Don’t be afraid to hold them accountable for what they said they would do. The more you pour into your customer, the more they will take care of you.

Law 7: Build your inner circle

My favorite way to explain this is with biblical explanation of Jesus. Jesus, even though thousands of people followed him, always had an inner circle around him that he kept close. He had millions of followers before existed. However, at night, he only spoke with the 12 famous disciples we know of today. 

Growing a business, being active with family and friends, and building an online following is hard. It will come with many highs and some dark lows. When you are at the top highs, everyone will be your supporter and cheer you on. You need the right people around to help you through it at the dark, low point.

Law 8: Your team deserves royal treatment

Being an entrepreneur is hard. The people that taking care of your customers always comes first. We make sure we treat all our employees like kings and queens. My customers’ first interaction with my business will come through my team. 

Make sure you are paying your team well, giving bonuses and training as well. Then, sit down and build a plan with them, showing them how they can progress and grow in your company. Your team is craving growth and challenge, so give it to them in the most respectful way.

The best way to make sure your team is treated right is by treating yourself right too. Too many entrepreneurs are never filling their own cup. They are giving everything to everyone and leaving nothing for themselves. It sounds good to say that, but in real life, that makes everyone worse. You must be at the top of your game, and you must grow to give your team that greatness within you at all times.

Being a successful high performer is not easy. And sustaining that for the long haul is even harder. So, follow these laws, and don’t be afraid to bend a few. Don’t wait until things are perfect. Instead, take action and keep moving forward.

Related: Strategies for Building a High-Performing Team
