The referee character in a new commercial for The Farmer’s Dog is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. In fact, that’s kind of an understatement.
The guy is booed off the football field, pelted with trash and insulted by players. He needs a security escort just to get the locker room, where his colleagues tell him to get his eyes checked.
Think he can drive away from the stadium without a Big Gulp to the windshield? Think again.
Even the car trip gives him no relief, with radio commentators piling on about “the worst call in the history of any sport.”
But waiting at home for the beleaguered ref is his giant, sweet and slobbery bull mastiff, who loves him unconditionally. Even if he’s awful at his job.
“Referee” is a follow-up of sorts to the premium food brand’s heart-tugging, fan favorite, Emmy-nominated 2023 Super Bowl spot called “Forever.” And taking a page from its own playbook, The Farmer’s Dog again developed the work with its internal team and a hand-picked set of decorated creatives.
Among the group that produced “Referee” are director John Hillcoat (The Road, Lawless), Oscar-nominated director of photography Phillippe Le Sourd (Priscilla, The Beguiled), Cannes Lions Grand Prix-winning creative directors Jeff Dryer and Brock Kirby, and two-time Oscar winning production designer Don Burt.
Amid the current football fever and the brand marketing onslaught around it—filled with sweaty action montages, Bill Belichick’s patented snark and innumerable Kelce brothers appearances—“Referee” stands out for its unique perspective.
The ad aims to “celebrate the deep and powerful relationships we have with pets,” per the brand, while touting its “fresh, human-grade dog food.”
The 60-second spot, shot partly at the Los Angeles Coliseum, debuted during Thursday night’s NFL season opener (Kansas City Chiefs 27, Baltimore Ravens 20) and will continue airing on TV, social and digital channels.