Men are from cyberspace: this week in tech, 20 years ago

  News, Rassegna Stampa

A few months ago, I mentioned that it was “unfortunately” too early to write about the release of beloved role-playing game Fallout 2. Well, Fallout 2 was released this week 20 years ago, and I am definitively not going to write about it — because I already spent half my summer immersed in the series while researching the never-released Fallout Online. Fortunately, Kotaku’s Kirk Hamilton has you covered with an entertaining analysis of Fallout 2’s first, frustrating level.

Instead, this week’s stories cover cyber romance, Y2K, and one of the year’s worst new TV shows.

Men are from cyberspace

HBO premiered a documentary last month called Swiped: Hooking Up in the Digital Age that explored the worst aspects of online dating — you can…

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