Outgoing Nextdoor CEO not amused by @bestofnextdoor

  News, Rassegna Stampa

Last week, Nextdoor co-founder and soon-to-be-former CEO Nirav Tolia took the stage with angel investor Jason Calacanis at startup event LAUNCH Scale for a morning “fireside chat” about Nextdoor and its success. It didn’t quite go how Tolia probably expected.

“Anybody here follow @bestofnextdoor?” Calacanis asks the crowd in the clip, which LAUNCH just posted on Twitter this afternoon. “You’re all going to love this.” Onscreen was projected a picture of a screenshot from the “parody” Twitter account, featuring a print of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” with the sublime caption: “Not sure of authenticity.”

Tolia did not, in fact, “love this.” “When I showed up today and your team sprung that, sprung that, that tweet on me,” he says,…

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