How to silence Google Assistant responses on your Android phone

  News, Rassegna Stampa

You’re sitting in your office and decide to find out when your next appointment is. You pick up your phone and murmur quietly, “OK Google, when’s my next appointment?” And then, loud enough to be heard over the entire room, your Google Assistant announces, “Next up, you have an appointment with your urologist on September 3rd at 9AM.”

You don’t have to hide under your desk anymore. Google has now made it possible to silence all Google Assistant voice output and only show the answers to your questions on your phone. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Access your Google Assistant by either long-pressing on the home button or saying “Hey, Google” or “OK Google.”
  • Tap the symbol on the lower right corner.
  • Tap your personal icon on the upper right corner.
  • Select “Settings.”
  • Select “Assistant” (on the top line).
  • Scroll down to “Assistant devices” and find either the word “Phone” or the name that you’ve assigned your phone. Tap on it.
  • Scroll down to “Voice and Speech” and tap on “Speech output.”
  • Select “Hands-free only.”

And you’re done! From here on, you can either type in or speak your requests to Google Assistant, and it will silently offer you whatever help it can provide.

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