This Entrepreneur Built His Own Business and Became a Millionaire When He Was 24. How Did He Do It?

  Rassegna Stampa

In this episode of Leaders Create Leaders, Entrepreneur Network partner Gerard Adams sits down with entrepreneur Christian Guzman. Guzman was always a fitness fanatic, and he even took on clients as a personal trainer when he was in high school. However, his obsession for fitness grew when he went to college, and his success grew when he started his own fitness blog.

That blog has led to Guzman’s massive online success — he has over 1 million followers on his Instagram — and the development of his fitness brand, Alphalete Athletics.

Click play to learn more about how Guzman turned his local expertise into a national brand.

See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam’s YouTube channel

Related: How to Steal From the World’s Best Achievers

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