On the Adweek Podcast: Looking Ahead to 2020

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

says adweek 2019 in review in a blue sparkly diamond

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This year was a great one for some. At Adweek, we celebrated our 40th anniversary, which we talked about, as well as some other changes we’ve seen in our newsroom the last year. And we also discussed how 2020 will be a good year for independent agencies and some of the best TV will return.

On this year’s final episode of Yeah, That’s Probably an Ad, co-hosts David Griner and Nicole Ortiz speak with staff writer for agencies and AgencySpy editor Erik Oster about the rise of independent agencies, TV editor Jason Lynch for all the good TV to come and executive editor Stephanie Paterik on new ways to reach consumers as we peek ahead to our next Challenger Brands summit and our roster of speakers (Spoiler alert: chief marketers from the NFL will be in attendance).

You can subscribe to Yeah, That’s Probably an Ad on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play Music and Stitcher or stream the newest episode right here.
