Should You Be Worried About a Market Crash in 2020?

  Rassegna Stampa

It may be time to consider whether your investments are in trouble.

2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Will the market crash in 2020? That’s the question Entrepreneur Network partner Phil Town asks in this video. 

Town outlines a few scenarios and reasons why the market either will or won’t crash. The market is routinely unpredictable, but it does show signs of a downturn every two decades. To keep your head above water no matter what the market does, Town recommends keeping the following points in mind:

  • Markets are cylical. Even if things look bleak for your investments after a crash, rest assured that what goes around will come around. 
  • Continue to save aggressively. No matter the circumstances, Town warns, don’t forget to save. 

Click the video to hear more from Phil Town. 

Related: The Keys to Becoming Financially Fit in 2020

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