Want to Start a Podcast or Add Music to Marketing Assets? Say Hello to Logic Pro X.

  Rassegna Stampa

Learn the world’s leading digital audio workstation.

2 min read

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Whether you’re interested in music production or you want to create a podcast for your business, learning how to use the digital audio workstation (DAW) can be useful. Logic Pro X helps musicians and aspiring musicians alike create amazing music and mix high-quality audio that’s fit for proliferation to the masses. Right now, you can learn Logic Pro X in The Ultimate Logic Pro X Music Production Bundle.

This eight-course bundle comprises 45 hours of training from Tomas George, a UK-based music producer, sound engineer, composer, and entrepreneur. George has been producing and writing music for more than ten years and has an M.Mus Master’s Degree in Music Production. In these courses, he’ll introduce you to the basics of Logic Pro X and help you get up to speed with all of its features. 

You’ll learn how to set up Logic Pro X on your Mac, how to make music with Apple loops, use MIDI and software instruments to create music, and how to record and mix audio. You’ll get crash courses in digital audio mixing, third-party mixing plug-ins, and audio mixing for podcasts. There are also courses dedicated to sound design and synthesis, recording vocals at home, and even songwriting. Whether you’re learning Logic Pro X for the joy of making music or to use it professionally to build your brand, this bundle will help you get up to speed on using this digital audio workstation for all of your needs.

Get familiar with the industry-leading digital audio workstation. Right now, The Ultimate Logic Pro X Music Production Bundle is on sale for just $29.

Prices subject to change. Software not included. 
