Start with Nestlé

  Rassegna Stampa

In partnership with entrepreneurs, Nestlé ventures into the food service operation with its leading brand in condensed milk.

4 min read

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Nestlé wants to sweeten the lives of Mexicans more and that is why it is committed to a new business model through its leading brand in condensed milk. With this, it supports entrepreneurs so that in society they create Kioscos La Lechera and thereby make their businesses grow.

This new concept will be operated by the business owners and they will carry the brand’s concept with a menu specially prepared with the portfolio of products that have made La Lechera tradition.

In an interview with Entrepreneur , Marcelo Citriágulo, VP of Nestlé professionals, said that this is a creation of shared value. The entrepreneurs will receive training and tips to make the best sweet recipes and offer them to their consumers.

“It is not a franchise”, clarified the manager. It is a space where food and drinks “made with La Lechera” will be sold. In this way, the brand will share its image with the entrepreneurs, who will become allies of Nestlé and who will have the responsibility of directing the operation of products and services, but with the support and expertise in terms of the dessert recipes to offer. with Nestlé products.

In this sense, a kiosk could be named after Laura Desserts made with La Lechera, Citrangulo said.


Entrepreneurs must have a consumption center or space already established to start this great opportunity with the brand. “Nestlé will be in charge of giving the concept to the place, from the branding and operational expertise according to the offer, to the menu prepared with all the products of the portfolio we have,” Citrangulo specified.

In the Kiosk, for example, Nescafé drinks may be sold and raw material exclusivity must be available, said the interviewee.

“We are always going to support entrepreneurs. We want to support them as strategic allies and make it a success. We are going to share all the knowledge, ”he insisted.

Internal entrepreneurship

The idea came from the Nestlé Professional team, that is, from a group of internal entrepreneurs who always seek to improve the consumer experience, explained Marcelo. “We are people who always need to think in favor of our clients and consumers; I think it was fantastic in elevating the consumer experience. “

La Lechera is an icon in Mexico, where it has been around for 85 years. Citriangle highlights that it is a brand that stands out for being the only condensed cow’s milk. In addition, it has always been characterized by innovating and seeking to be at the forefront. Proof of this are given by its developments in lactose-free, fat-free, dulce de leche or spreadable options. “Why not innovate at the kiosk now, make it an unforgettable experience and make sure they carry the best recipes?” He says.

Kioscos La Lechera began operating in Brazil, where the idea arose, now it is being replicated in Mexico. The first Kiosk was opened in San Miguel de Allende, in Guanajuato and later in Guadalajara, Jalisco last December.

With this new business model, Nestlé opens its doors so that small and medium-sized companies see them as their allies and expand their businesses.