AIGA Design Conference 2021

  Creative, Ilustrazioni, Rassegna Stampa

20—24 September 2021

AIGA, The Professional Association for Design presents their 2021 Design Conference: A Brief History of Now!

The virtual conference will take place September 20 through 24, 2021 featuring industry leaders at the forefront of trends, designers across all forms of communication design, and members spanning 73 chapters nationwide. AIGA, previously known as The American Institute for Graphic Arts aims to be the standard-bearer for professional ethics and practices for the design profession. Join their network of designers, participate in roundtables, main stage discussions of cutting-edge work, and challenges posed towards the industry’s future!

Online. 10:00am—7:00 pm EST/3:00pm—12:00 BST.

Registration fees vary for members, nonmembers, employees of nonprofits, government, educators, and students.