Amazon accidentally streamed an unreleased episode of Doctor Who

  News, Rassegna Stampa

Amazon users who tuned into stream Doctor Who’s latest episode, “Kerblam!” experienced a little more time traveling than they bargained for. Rather than airing the correct episode, Amazon Prime Video apparently skipped ahead to “The Witchfinders,” an episode set to air this coming Sunday.

The mistake was spotted by io9, who also notes that the closed captions for “Kerblam!” curiously aired as part of “The Witchfinders” — surely a jarring mistake for anyone trying to make sense of why conveyor belts have anything to do with the 17th century. In a statement to io9, BBC Studios said it was aware of the error for US Amazon Prime users. “We are investigating how this happened and have taken the steps to remove it,” the company said. “BBC…

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