At Newfronts, Condé Nast Calls Red Carpet Moments the New Live Sports

  Rassegna Stampa, Social

The company also shared its plans for a revamp of Bon Appétit under editor-in-chief Jamila Robinson, who joined the brand in August. The publisher will debut a series of new shows, including Recipe Rewrite, Taste Test and Dining Diaries, as part of an effort to recapture the momentum the brand had in its Test Kitchen heyday. 

The most intriguing new editorial launch came, however, from Wired, whose new editor-in-chief Katie Drummond also joined in August from Vice. 

Under Drummond, Wired will expand its coverage of politics and shift its editorial focus to include more breaking news reporting in the technology space. Both initiatives are designed to drive more engagement for the publisher, but they also risk going against advertisers’ increasingly stringent brand safety filters.

Events maintain their momentum

Last year, Condé Nast unveiled Vogue World at its NewFront, which has since hosted iterations in New York and London. This year, the event will take place in Paris in June.

The success of Vogue World, coupled with the views and engagement driven by the Met Gala and other live events, has encouraged Condé Nast to lean further into original events programming.

As part of that strategy, the company has continued to develop its GQ Men of the Year franchise, alongside Glamour’s Women of the Year event, as key new fixtures in its editorial calendar. 

The tactic is part of a larger bid from the company to create acute cultural moments, and then productize all their downstream coverage.

“We want to take our red carpet formula and apply it to other spaces,” Mann said.

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