(AU) AGDA’s The Business of Expertise with David Baker

  Creative, Ilustrazioni, Rassegna Stampa

Check out AGDA’s latest series! The Business of Expertise with David Baker in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

In his new book ‘The Business of Expertise”, author and business advisor, David Baker explains how you can focus your expertise to make more money and have greater impact.

Joining AGDA in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, David will talk about positioning yourself as an expert. David’s experience comes from working with entrepreneurial creative agencies worldwide. His presentation will cover:

  • The science and application of positioning an expert firm like yours in Australia.
  • How experts dig deeper and, in the process, exert more control over their business lives.
  • The process of becoming known as an influential expert in your field.
  • How saying “no” generates more, not less, opportunity.

“What’s so compelling about Mr. Baker is that he’s an expert on being an expert.” —Carl Richards, NY Times, 2018

Find out more and book tickets!

15 October in Melbourne, 16 October in Sydney, 18 October in Brisbane

The post (AU) AGDA’s The Business of Expertise with David Baker appeared first on Shillington Design Blog.
