Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame mark the end of a decade-long saga, told over the course of 22 movies, that have inspired millions of fans around the world and made Disney wealthy in the process.
They’re also incredibly long. Like, super long. We’re talking Lord of the Rings long. If you don’t want to invest even more hours watching the first 20 movies that lead up to that point, either, it can be a struggle keeping up with one of the biggest pop culture moments. Luckily, the incredibly talented students at Walden Grove High School in Sahuarita, Arizona have managed to condense it all into seven minutes.
How, you may ask? Through the power of dance, of course!
Seriously, these kids are incredible. They manage to hit all the high points from Infinity War — Thanos’ invasion on Earth, his fight with Iron Man on the planet Titan, Thor’s close attempt to killing Thanos, half of the world’s population disappearing (referred to as “The Blip”) — and the biggest moments of Endgame. Spoiler alert: watching Tony Stark die again, even in dance form, is still a tearjerker. That’s especially true when it’s set to Requiem for a Dream’s “Lux Aeterna” theme by Clint Mansell.
The video was published on September 6th and has close to two million views, but it seems to just be picking up traction on YouTube. Rightfully so! A dive into the Walden Grove High School’s YouTube channel brings up some more choreographed gems. There’s a version of Harry Potter, a tribute to Pixar, and the Wizard of Oz! Each of these dances are performed as part of their homecoming celebration, which prompts a few more questions, such as:
- When did the students prepare these intricate dances?
- Did they practice all summer long just to get them right?
- How do they choose what to adapt via dance?
- Do they plan to take the show on the road?
- If so, where do we purchase tickets?
Teenagers live in a very weird moment — TikToks are taking over classrooms, everyone has a vlog on YouTube, and people entering high school now were just four years old when the first Iron Man came out. They grew up with the Avengers, and seeing them pay tribute to the fallen is quite frankly beautiful.
Between this class and the drama students at North Bergen High School who put on an astounding production of Ridley Scott’s Alien, it’s pretty clear that the kids are going to be alright.