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In this episode of The Security Podcasts featuring Jill Knesek, CISO of Blackline, and former FBI Special Agent in the Cyber Crime Squad, we talk about balancing risk & innovation from a CISO’s perspective.
“The message I like to give is we can be both innovative and secure.,” Knesek says. “They’re not mutually exclusive, and they shouldn’t be. By shifting left and embedding strong security practices and controls earlier into our development lifecycle, we can lower the cost of the security and by including the security team in early phases of development of our new products, features or capabilities, the better integrated and seamless the security controls will be. But to do that, the CISO needs to engage with technology leaders. We have to have a relationship across the organization — working with the CTO, the CIO, and in many cases even the CFO — so we can proactively include some of these early conversations, during the ideation phase and development discussions. And that way, security becomes embedded into the new innovations that are rolling out.”

Balancing Risk and Innovation – A CISO Perspective
Jill Knesek, CISO of Blackline, and former FBI Special Agent in the Cyber Crime Squad talk about balancing risk & innovation from a CISO’s perspective.
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