Beauty Tips for Women Over 50

  Fotografia, Rassegna Stampa

Most people have something they feel insecure about when it comes to their looks, but as you get older you might find more and more that you do not like to see in the mirror. It can be hard to see yourself ageing, particularly if you still feel young at heart! This is why it is important to remember that you can look great at any age, especially if you apply some simple but effective beauty tricks to your daily routine. Below are a few tips for women over 50 so you can continue to feel like the beautiful, confident woman you truly are.


Ageing will affect your skin’s elasticity and soon you will start to see wrinkles form. It might even appear to lose that youthful glow. However, with a good skincare routine, you can help to reduce these issues and keep your skin looking vibrant in your later years. Moisturising both morning and night is always a good place to start, especially your face and hands. There are anti-ageing skincare products that can help to keep more mature skin a boost by providing deep hydration, particularly night creams. Make sure you are washing your face every morning before you apply any makeup, and again at night to remove any residual dirt and keep your pores clear and your skin fresh.


Thinning or brittle hair is another unfortunate factor about growing older that many women and men have to deal with. If this is a problem you are facing, there are specialist shampoos that are designed specifically to help thicken your locks for a more lustrous look. Alternatively, if your hairline is receding dramatically, you could look into having a hair transplant if this is something you are worried about. This can make a big difference and has helped many people of all ages who are dealing with thinning hair. You can find out more about this procedure at Try to avoid applying too much heat to your hair every day as well; If you do this for styling purposes, use hair serums to protect it from the heat or use hydrating conditioning treatments once every week or two to replenish it.


Crows feet and tired eyes can also be a problem you encounter as you mature. Clever eye-makeup can bring a sparkle back to your eyes and frame them well, but you should also look at using revitalizing eye creams to help reduce puffiness and dark circles. You can put this on each morning and evening if you want, or as and when you feel you need it. These creams will help to keep the sensitive skin around your eyes hydrated and replenished. 

Warmer Foundation Tones

When choosing a foundation, it is important to find the tone that matches your skin, but if you want to add a more youthful glow, consider going for a foundation that is one or two toners warmer than your exact match. You will have to apply this to your neck as well as face to make it look more natural, but a slightly warmer shade can help to make you look less washed out and more vibrant. Do not go more than two shades lighter, though, otherwise it will be obvious and look all wrong.

You can indeed look drop-dead gorgeous at any age, and using some or all of these beauty tips can help you feel confident every day.

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