Breadcrumb structured data reports now available in Google Search Console

  Marketing, Rassegna Stampa, SEO

Breadcrumb structured data reports are now available on Google Search Console, Google announced Thursday. The report can be accessed under the Enhancements section from the left-hand navigation panel.

Breadcrumb structured data reports are now available in Google Search Console. Image: Google.

Why we should care

Breadcrumb trails tell users about a page’s position within your site’s hierarchy. Marking up your pages with breadcrumb structured data helps search engines display this information to users. If your breadcrumb trail isn’t displaying as expected, this new report gives you something to check, which may help you resolve the issue.

Learn more about structured data

Breadcrumbs are just one of many structured data elements that you can use to flesh out your listings. Here are some additional resources that may help you make better decisions about how to implement structured data.

About The Author

George Nguyen is an Associate Editor at Third Door Media. His background is in content marketing, journalism, and storytelling.